Monday, May 14, 2007

My Mom

The older I get, the more I realize what an awesome task it is to be a mother. Once you bring a life into this world, you NEVER stop caring for it. Not even when they are grown and married. Though I've never had a child of my own, being the oldest of eleven has given me countless opportunities to witness first hand a lot of the self denial it takes to be a mom. I've been so blessed as I've watched my mom give of her time, energy, wisdom, love and sleep to meet the needs of her growing family. I can't imagine all that that requires. And yet, my mom has always done it with a joyful heart and with a determined spirit. Even when that required enduring nausea for all nine months with her first four children and most of the months that followed with the others. Thinking about it one time, I realized that out of 24 years of marriage, my mom has spent 99 months pregnant. To add to that, homeschooling them, helping to run a business, and still making time to always be there when my dad needed someone to talk to. She is a good listener, a wonderful source of wisdom and an amazing child of God. With all that, tell me that anyone who is a mother is underachieving!!! The gift of a devoted mother, and father, is the most blessed gift that anyone could give a child (aside from teaching them about the Lord). I feel so very blessed to be able to walk behind my Mother and women like her, to witness their example, and learn from their lives. To those Mothers out there who are like mine, don't give up, keep pressing on, you have the most important job in the world. You are helping to shape the next generation, we need you to keep being the examples we can follow. Thank you for your diligence. And to any daughters who might be reading this, take the time to tell your mom how much she means to you. In the past I didn't, and it took me a while to realize how much that discouraged her. Learn from your moms, and as you grow into the women that God wants you to be, never let our world discourage you from the wonderful opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the godly women God has set before you. “Happy Mother's Day” to any moms who may read this, God bless you all.

"My Mom"

When I took my first breath
You were right there
And with each new day
I felt all your care

When I could walk
You’d hold onto my hand
To protect me from things
I couldn’t yet understand

You were my “teacher”
In K through 12th grade
Your home was my class room
As I learned and I played

You taught me to always
Put God first in my life
To be a good daughter
And one day a wife

You always stood firm
In the direction God led
Even when I was stubborn
And had a hard head

But now that I’m older
I want you to know
The respect that I have
For the godliness you show

For all of your love
Your work and your care
For the Mother you are
And the life that we share

So I’m taking this day
To tell you anew
That someday I want
To be just like you

To display kindness and mercy
To show self denial
To hold onto God’s word
In the midst of a trail

To stand for what’s right
To be led by my man
And always be seeking
To walk in God’s plan

Thanks so much, mom,
For all that you do
I’m so very grateful
That God gave me to you

I love you so much
And always intend
To be a good daughter
And also your friend

~Amy Skoczelak 2007


Sharon Fogarty said...

I will gladly except your well wishes for Mother's Day. Thank you for making the job look so easy. Your parents are blessed to have you for a daughter.
Love you!

Vicki & Bruce said...

Amy, you don't know me, I am a PA friend of Sean Sangree's. I also have 11 children, which are old friends of Seans. We used to live in Mt. Airy, MD, for 40 years and I loved seeing pictures of the Wold/Howard wedding! I remember Amy, Jennifer, Daniel & Aaron as we were friends of the Wolds in Md. I was at the Howard's house once and one of my girls used to play with Joli, but my memory is a little rusty. I so appreciated your blog about Moms and your poem to your mom! You sound like a wonderful girl! If we had stayed in Md., my children would probably be friends still with the Wolds, Howards and possibly even you, as I have 9 girls & 2 boys. Say HI to the Wolds! Do they have a blogsite?
Blessings! Vicki Aguilar

Skatergrl said...

Dear Vicki, Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I live on Mount Airy as well, so it would have been really neat to have met you, if you still lived here!!! I know a lot of families with lots of children, but not many have eleven as you and my mom do!!! Isn't it fun?? A lot of work, but fun?? I don't think the Wold's have a blog. Jennifer Wold and I did one together for a while (, but she has since moved onto other things and now I'm doing this one on my own. If you'd like to contact them, I can get you Mrs. Wold's e-mail address. Just let me know if you'd like it. Or if you give me yours I'd be happy to pass it on to her. Thank you again for saying hi, it's nice to meet other large families, and to know other Mother's who have sacrificed so much to have children! God bless you.
Amy Skoczelak

Vicki & Bruce said...

Hi again, Amy. Thank you for answering back! I'd love to have Mrs. Wold's e-mail. My mom & dad still live in Mt. Airy, on Boteler Rd., off Watersville Rd. I am planning on coming down to help my mom within the next 2 weeks. If I have time, and it works out, I might be able to visit her and would love to meet you and your family some time as well. Yes, having 11 children, and now 4 grandchildren is wonderful! My youngest is 6, so things are getting easier for me, and I have graduated 7 children! I have a friend having her 15th child, several friends with 12 and several with 9, 10 or 11 children. PA is full of large families! Thanks again, Vicki Aguilar

Skatergrl said...

Mrs. Vicki,
Here is Mrs. Wold's email address... ( I saw Jennifer the other day and told her about you, and she remembered doing things with you all while you lived in Md!! I would LOVE to meet you if you are in the area, I only live 10 minutes from Mrs. Wold's house, so if you stop by please let me know. If my mom is free (which is sometimes a little tricky, our littlest is 1) I'm sure she'd like to meet you too. Wow, you know a lot of large families in PA. That's amazing; it's so nice to know that there are still Christian families out there, who think it's a blessing to have a large family!! If you do make it down to the area and have some free time I thought I'd give you my contact information... . Thanks you for your comments, it was a blessing to meet you, even if only through writing!