Monday, May 14, 2007

The Falls

On Saturday we decided to hike up Cunningham Falls and the surrounding trails, instead of following the original plan and heading up to Old Rag (because of the weather). It turned out to be a wonderful day though. It rained for like 10 minutes and the rest of the day was semi cool and clear (for the most part). What a blessing it was to be able to spend time with our wonderful friends enjoying God's creation. To all who came...Thanks for being there, you're all so special. And I'm so thankful that our bond isn't just here on this earth, but will be for eternity when we see our Savior face to face. God bless you all.

If you wanta see more, you can by clicking here and here. Hopefully, I'll be able to put the video on soon.

1 Comment:

SES said...

looks like a lot of fun! I'll try to post some pics of Half Dome on mine soon.