Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Howard/Wold Wedding

In quite a few posts, (here and here), I've told about preparations that were being made for the wedding of friends, Jennifer Howard and Daniel Wold. The wedding took place on March 31, 2007 at 11:30am. For you girls: pink, brown, and white were the colors. It was beautiful!! Below are a few pictures…

I got to make the cakes!

Morningside Inn, where the wedding was held outside
The Dining Room
Processional... If you'd like to hear the song download it here
Mother of the Groom, Linda Wold escorted by son Aaron

Mother of the Bride, Kath Howard escorted by son Seth
Groom, Daniel Wold
Calicoe Richir (cousin) escorted by Billy Main (friend)
Anna Erbes (friend) escorted by Josh Laughmann (friend)
April Gregga (friend) escorted by Adam York (friend)
Amy Laughman (sister of the groom) escorted by husband Ben Laughman (brother-in law of groom)
Becky Hake (cousin of bride) escorted by Aaron Wold (brother of groom)
Jennifer Wold (sister of groom) escorted by Tim Taylor (friend)
Kendra Howard (sister of bride) escorted by Matthew Wold (brother of groom)
Joli Chism (sister of bride) escorted by David Chism (brother-in-law of bride)

Jesse Batie (future brother-in-law) with Benjamin and Jeremiah Wold (brothers of groom)

Heidi Howard (sister of bride) sang the Bridal Processional
Here's a copy of the song...
Flower Girls, Abigail Wold (sister of groom) and Katrina Howard (sister of bride) along with Ring Bearer, Joel Wold (brother of groom)

Bride, Jennifer Howard

Bride and Groom together

Special Music by Heidi, Eden, Kirsty and Emily Howard (sisters of bride)

Washing eachothers feet, representing the service they pray to display to one another in their marriage

First kiss as married couple

Dorothy Hughes, (friend) sang the Recessional


SES said...

thanks for the update and great pictures Amy! Looks like it was a beautiful place and gorgeous weather. Did the girls sing their famous "sisters" song? I actually do pretty good at that song myself (ask the Howards =). Appreciate you looking out for those of us who couldn't make it.

Sharon Fogarty said...

I loved the sneak peak at the wedding. You do such a great job with pictures and telling the story that way.
Hope to catch up with you soon.
Love you!

Skatergrl said...

Thanks!! No they didn't sing their "sisters" song. lol! I don't think I need to ask them about you, cuz I can just imagine you singing it;-) I know some other guys who can sing it pretty well too. I think all of us girls need to find a song about brothers and get really good at it, so we'll be even!!! Anyways, have a great week friend.

Thanks you too, for your comment. You're so sweet! Love ya too=)