On Saturday my sister and I attended a wedding shower for Jenny Howard. All of our childhood friends were there! It was a really neat time to be together and celebrate the coming together of two lives. One of the games we played is pictured below, I thought it was really interesting....
Each team was given a bag with these same iteams. The object was to make the best wedding cake you could and the Bride to be would pick her favorite (the teams and cakes were kept a surprise until after a "cake" was chosen).
Here is one of the teams and their finished product...
This was some of my team and our cake
Our team ended up winning!! Yeah! I know, I know, not the way you want your wedding cake to look, but hey, what do you expect from marshmallows, toothpicks, and colored glue???
Group Picture (the girl wearing bright green in the center of this picture is the Bride-to-be)!!
1 Comment:
Duh . . . who else could match your uber insane cake baking skills.
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