Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Old School

I was going through some pictures the other day and just remembering days passed. So I decided to do a few post with older pictures and memories. These will be random, (Senios, some of these are for you) but hey somethimes different is nice. So here goes...


Kristine said...

Who's kitchen is that?? I am drawing a total blank. Is it yours? I love the pics! Old pics are sooo much fun to look over!

Skatergrl said...

It's in the Stelzers' kitchen for Beth's b-day party last year!

Kathryn said...

These pictures are just a leetle bit scary. whoa. sometimes, change is a good thing. Actually, most of the time.

Skatergrl said...

lol ;-)

Annette said...

What fun! We really enjoy your blog and it is so much fun to go back and look at old pictures! Thanks!

Mrs. S