Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I Do Not Understand

A friend wrote this poem and shared it with me a while ago(thanks Matt). I really think it mirrors a proper attitude of who we are and how amazed we should be that Christ is so faithful! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"As I come to kneel before you Lord
I bow my head and fold my hands
But before I begin talking to you
There are some things I don’t understand

Lord I do not understand
Your endless love for me
For daily it is that I hurt you
And from me you do not flee

Lord I do not understand
Why you sent your Son to the cross
For someone who is so undeserving
So selfish so weak so lost

Lord I do not understand
Why You can not wait
To greet me so eagerly
At the front of Heaven’s Gate

Lord I do not understand
Why for all of eternity
You would want to spend it
With someone so very unworthy

Lord I do not understand
The simplicity of your grace
And why in your home in heaven
You have prepared for me a place

Lord I do not understand
Why you do the things you do
But Lord I am so grateful
I will live eternally because of You"

~Matthew Lewis