Sunday, November 15, 2009


Last year was our first year doing Operation Christmas Child and it was amazing. Christmas time has become such a flurry of tasks, that for me, it was beginning to lose some of it's joy. I was at church last year when I heard of the opportunity to do these boxes. I had hear about OCC in the past, but never in detail about how it was actually done. I decided that I was going to do it and that it would be a great way to spend time with my little sibblings, while teaching them to rejoice at the opportunity to give. So off we went to the stores so they could help pick stuff out and put the boxed together. It was some of the best time we've ever had together and it blessed my heart to see their excitement as they picked out stuff for what they call "my girl" or "my boy". This year I took all the little one with me, except for my littlest brother, as we went shopping. Upon getting home, He sat and watched us put the boxes together. He then started crying because he wanted to do one too. He kept crying that he needed one for "his little boy". Needless to say we now have an extra box for a little boy through the efforts of my little brother's tears! This is such a huge blessing to be apart of. Just to watch the videos on the website of OCC and hear the stories of how it touches children's lives, children who may have never received a gift in their lives, brings tears to my eyes. We have so much here in America, what a blessing during Christmas, to be able to show God's love in such a meaningful way. I'm so thankful for this ministry! It is becoming our new family tradition, one that I will, Lord willing, carry on with my own children someday. The only regret I have it that I didn't get involved in this sooner!

Show a child God's love in a very real and meaningful way!!!

"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35