I believe that being a mom is the higest calling anyone could have. It's also one of the hardest jobs, because it's 24/7. There are no vacations and no sick days! To all you moms out there (and especially to my mom)...Thank you for your hard work and perseverance. Thank you for being so selfless and for being examples we can follow. Happy Mother’s Day!
Tribute To My Parents:
(written for my parents 25th Anniversary, December 2007)
"When we took our first breaths, you both were right there
And with each new day, we felt all your care.
When we could walk, you’d hold onto our hand
To protect us from the things, we couldn’t yet understand.
You were our “teachers”, in K through 12th grade
Your home was our class room, as we learned and we played.
You taught us to always, put God first in our lives
To become godly sons, husbands, daughters and wives.
You always stood firm, in the directions God led
Even when we were stubborn, and wanted our way instead.
But now that we’re older, we want you to know
The respect that we have, for the godliness you show.
For all of your love, your work and your care
For the parents you are, and the life that we share.
So we’re taking this day, to tell you anew
That someday we hope, to be just like you.
To display kindness and mercy, to show self denial
To hold onto God’s word, in the midst of a trial.
To stand for what’s right, to be honest and grow
Upon the foundation, you laid long ago.
Thanks mom and dad, for all that you do
We’re so very grateful, that God gave us to you.
We love you so much, and always intend
To be faithful children, but most of all friends"
Do you moms ever wonder what you sound like to your children? Wonder no more, here is what most you say in 24 hours...
Disclaimer: No kidding...my mom has used every one of these on us, well almost!!! :-)
Um...it is scary how actuate this movie is! LOL. Actually since I do not have a i-pod that part is not true, but jumping off the cliff...uh...that part might be very true...and talking on the phone...and the computer time. So any way I value my MOMMA more than she will ever know. I do not know how she keeps up with 8 kids, 5 of them being boys (guess that's why I'm here ;-D).
oops misspelled accurate. BAD SPELLER HERE! Shoot ME!
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