I remember hearing a sermon a few weeks ago that Josh Harris preached and in it he talked about these really "cool" pictures of his car that Montgomery County sent him. Wow, neat right? Wrong! As the saying goes, nothing is free! Accompanying those lovely photos was a forty dollar fine for speeding.
It would seem that the Montgomery County police force was complaining about eating too many doughnuts while just “sitting” and "watching" for speed violators without having the chance to get out and exercise (no offence to Matt!). So to serve them better the county decided to place cameras up to monitor the speed and take nice pictures of your license plate (so they can fine you) all without a police officer having to actually be there. The days of watching for white vehicles with the cool red light on top are over!!! So beware!!!
Now you may ask, why I am telling you this. Well, when Josh talked about it, I was like "wow, better watch out for those, but I doubt I have to worry about that cuz I don't drive in Montgomery County that often!” I did kinda wondered what the pictures looked like though. Well friends, I have to wonder no longer! It seems that on my way to church a few weeks back, I was to busy watching the vehicles in front of me and not paying enough attention to that cool little device placed in my dashboard to tell me my speed. And walah, I received one (actually it was 3) of those wonderful photos just like Josh! Oh well, you live and you learn. I still have not received an official "ticket" or points on my license since I've been driving, knock on wood, so that's one area I'm thankful! I'm planning on being extra careful from now on, at least in Montgomery County anyways! But I figured that since I have these nice pictures I paid for, I might as well show them off and get something for my money!!!
Disclaimer: Just incase you are wondering...no, I don't condone speeding, though I don't think there is a person alive who hasn't done it sometime or another. :-) And now that the sting of paying a fine has worn off a little, I figure I might as well give everyone a laugh!!!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Forty Dollar Pictures
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To my "Flip Flop Friend",
No, I'm not a lead-foot!!! At least not all the time anyway! :)
Amy, watch out for those nice little cameras in Howard County too! Just ask Mr. S about it!!!
Mrs. S
well, you are in good company. Gavin and Josh and who knows who else!
I had better be careful. Big brother is watching.
Your FFF
Love you!
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