Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Question Of The Day

My brother asked me a question the other day, and I don't have an answer for, so I thought maybe you could help!!!
He wanted to know why, "young" women put makeup on to look "older" and "older" women put makeup on to make themselves look "younger????? Any thoughts???!!!!!


SES said...

my guess is that it's because in our culture there's a perfect age that people want to look, somewhere around the early 20's maybe? (So theoretically, you shouldn't need to wear any makeup for a few years =)

Skatergrl said...

Ha Ha!!!

Sharon Fogarty said...

I think Chuck Swindoll said it best when he said it this way, "If the barn needs painting, paint it."
You can tell your brother most of us put makeup on so we can look as good as the guys. I mean really, don't the guys usually have the prettiest eyes?
It is one of those unfair things we must live with in a fallen world.

jaysondh said...

I wanna know which brother asked you that one. But I believe I'm gonna have to agree with whats-his-face above.

Skatergrl said...

Hey Jase, that bro. was Joe!! (Hey that rhymed, kinda, sotra, okay a little pathetic, but I'll take what I can get!!)

Hey Sharon, I totally agree with you... my little brothers have killer eyelashes, a trait that was NOT passed on to their sisters!!! And I love your quote, Joe did too! Love ya!