Monday, April 16, 2007

Real Random

Here's my favorite soccer team (Mr. Evan, Tyler, Gavin, Austin, Carson, Trevor, and Kate, this one's for you)!!! Guys, you were great on Friday. Can't wait until next season, I loved watching your games. Keep up the good work. You're awesome!!

P.S. Love your shirts!!!!!


Sharon Fogarty said...

Carson and I loved your post and pictures. You MUST be a regular next year at our games. We enjoyed you being there very much.
Love you,

Sharon Fogarty said...

I will make sure the rest of the guys see the post!

Skatergrl said...

Aw thanks, I really ENJOYED coming!! Thanks for keeping me company while watching the games. I always enjoy my time with you and your family. Thanks for your friendship. You'll always have mine! Love ya all.