Monday, April 09, 2007

Lessons From The Cross

The night before Easter I sat down with my family to watch the movie “The Passion of the Christ”. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but for me, it’s one of the hardest movies to watch. The ghastly and graphically gruesome beatings of Christ that are depicted on the screen make you want to jump out of your seat and scream “How could you? Don’t you have any sense of compassion?” at the television. Through tears of horror you watch as they nail the beaten and bloody body of Christ to the cross and something inside you burns with anger at the people who could do this to Him. And then, God reminded me that it was for my sin that He endured that pain and punishment. It was just as much my fault as it was the people who physically drove the nails in His hands and shouted “crucify Him”. What’s even more amazing is that Christ bore it with joy as He submitted to the Father’s will and redeemed us from the grasp of sin. Even in the midst of the pain and suffering, we hear Christ say “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Christ endured the cross so I could enjoy Him and have a home in Heaven. What amazing love! And yet, I realized how lightly I take my sin. How many times do I hold onto the very things that Christ had to endure such chastisement for? How easy it is to forget how great a price was paid for the very things I don’t want to give up. As I watched the movie, the verse from Isaiah 53:5 kept echoing in my mind, “He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.” The bloody and mired Jesus that Gibson depicted in his movie, wasn’t even able to capture all that Christ endured, and yet, by the end of it, you felt like your senses were on overload and you couldn't visually take anymore. Isaiah 53 took on a whole new meaning for me that night. What gratitude I owe my Savior, and what an amazing gift He bestowed upon someone so undeserving. This Easter, I pray you were all reminded, as I was, that our sin is nothing to take lightly and in light of the gracious gift that Christ has given us, we can do no less then to give him our hearts, minds, and lives in obedience. God bless you all. He is Risen!!

How wide is Your love
That You would stretch Your arms
And go around the world
And why for me would a Savior's cry be heard
I don't know
Why You went where I was meant to go
I don't know
Why You love me so

Those were my nails
That was my crown
That pierced Your hands and Your brow
Those were my thorns
Those were my scorns
Those were my tears that fell down
And just as You said it would be
You did it all for me
After You counted the cost
You took my shame, my blame
On my cross

How deep is Your grace
That you could see my need
And chose to take my place
And then for me, these words I'd hear You say
Father no
Forgive them for they know not what they do
I will go
Because I love them so

Those were my nails
That was my crown
That pierced Your hands and Your brow
Those were my thorns
Those were my scorns
Those were my tears that fell down
And just as You said it would be
You did it all for me
After You counted the cost
You took my shame, my blame
On my cross

~FFH - My Cross