Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cameras and Snowboards

I got my new camera in the mail today and I'm so excited!!! It's a 7.1 mega pixel, FE-230 (learn more here) digital, put out by Olympus (how's that for trying to sound technical?) I've wanted to get a better camera for a few years now, since the last one I had (which has not worked for the past year) was only a 2 meg. and hence didn't take good pictures. I decided to go "camera hunting" on Sunday and after an hour and a half, had my new electronic device on its way. Another plus about this purchase is that unlike my old bulky camera, this one has a body that's only 16.5mm thick so it'll be easy to transport anytime, anywhere. It even fits in my purse (who said all women have to have big purses? maybe they just need to get smaller stuff!!!) Anyways, I'm really looking forward to trying it out and I'll get my first chance tomorrow as my brother and I, along with some friends, take a trip to Ski Liberty to do some snowboarding. I’ve been once before, a few years ago, but the only memory I have is of falling a lot and being really sore the next day. I'm hoping with the help of my more experienced friends, to make a little more progress and figure out how to stay on my feet (well, as much as one can in a days time). Hopefully the next time I post (provided I'm not hospitalized after tomorrows events) it'll be using the pictures from my new camera. Until then, God bless!


Tyler said...

Congrats on your new camera; loved the technical details.
I'll be praying you, or anyone, won't get hurt tomorrow on the slopes and that you'll have an enjoyable, safe time.

Skatergrl said...

Thank you Tyler, I really appreciate that!