Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Songs

I really enjoy good music, both listening to it and sharing it. Just recently I figured out how to add songs to my blog. If you wanta hear them, check out the side bar for an updated song list (sorry to those who have a slow internet connection, I know what that's like!). A friend once told me they played the greatest music in the world.......a cd player! Now that something even I can do!!! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

I really like "My Wish", and I'm glad to have a place I can come and listen to it on--while I look at great pictures!

Chismville said...

Amy: Thanks for visiting my site! I got your comment. I am just getting started to "blog" more on my site: Most of my blogging is for my painting site: and . My blogspots account will be more for just personal thoughts, books, music, and marketing ideas. Thanks for saying hi! I like your blogs site too. Great your family!